
I'm an intense, hyperactive woman with an imagination in overdrive who loves her Husby, her two Wonder Wieners, and her emerging career as an author and photographer.

Thursday, June 15

Why They Call it the Blues

PMS. Husband gone. Apathy. Inertia. Paralyzing moments of self-doubt. Being at the beginning (again) of an overwhelming project. Tight funds. Sugar addiction. Being overweight and out of shape. Puppy dogs with tummy troubles. Feelings of loneliness and disconnection. A tendency toward depression in the best of circumstances. A broken dryer. Difficulty separating myself from all the sorrow and evil in the world.

Advice for how to combat my depression most welcome.


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could always (ahem) pick up the phone and call one of your girlfriends.


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