Held Together

Hello from my new harddrive? Hard drive? Hard-drive? Hard disk? Ah, fuck it. I'm going to participate in NaBloPoMo, but I don't know how to install the button on my blog. Janeen, will you help me? A pic and a paragraph a day, starting Nov. 1st.
These days, my emotional life is held together with duct tape and zip ties. I am tattered and torn from repeated assault. My only defense at this point is stubborness. It also goes without saying, and therefore must be said, that I would have collapsed into a pectin-like state long ago, if not for my husband.
Yes, I will help you, except I must warn you that I know how to do it in typepad, which may not translate as readily to blogger as there might be more HTML involved. But we will figure it out!
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