Or, to steal a header from another's blog, The Towel, She is Being Thrown. I have formally and offically withdrawn from the Moon Handbook Washington project. Relief is spreading through me like sunshine. There are so many things I want to do. I want to spend time with my family, my husby, my puppy dogs. To focus energies on getting fit and healthy, to find ways for us to exercise on a regular basis, and to cook and prepare healthy meals for us. I want to keep house and garden, and make plum jam and apple butter. I want to write for Sunset, Seattle Metropolitan, CityDog, Northwest Woman, Seattle Metropolitan, Bark, AAA, in-flight magazines, and more. More importantly, I want to start writing my own stories: memoirs, non-fiction narrative, short stories, essays, novels, screenplays. To join a writer's group, or form one. To join another book club. To go to writer's conventions, retreats, and conferences. I want to explore the possibilities of my photography: Corbis, Getty, calandars, note cards, coffee house art gallery shows. I now have the schedule freedom to find a cashier position at the food co-op, instead of bagging groceries and taking out the trash. I want to visit my niece and nephew often, to swim in my brother's pool in Arizona, to travel to Hawaii and Fiji. I want to volunteer more; to re-establish SFHC Mondays; to host more parties. To grow my hair and get skinny and buy another house and have disposable income again. To expand my circle of friends and acquaintances, instead of watching the list shrink with each passing year as friends move away and grow apart. I'm going to goof off more, explore just as much, adventure even more.
It starts here, it starts now.
It all sounds marvelous... I am glad that you are feeling relieved & free. It's tough to be creative when you are being squeezed 24/7. SOOO excited to see what possibilities will present themaselves to you on this new path.
Speaking of book clubs, I have just joined one. All the advertising gals in Bend get together monthly for what they call a 'lazy' book-club. Kind of a really unique opportunity. Bend is actually filled with agencies which are filled with women. I am looking forward to the chance to make some work acquaintances into friends! Our first book is Gods In Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson. Give it a read if you want and we can discuss it together too!
Much love -
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