As we used to say in the '80s, I am one hurtin' unit. Last Tuesday, I lost my balance on the ladder to the attic while getting the guest bed comforter down. I jumped before I could fall, but jammed my right hip badly. Something ain't right up there in what yoga teachers call my "sits bones." Then yesterday, I yanked it again big time, slipping on water on the slick floor at the food co-op. You know how it is when you slide, and then you stop suddenly, and you don't fall, but you seriously pull something in the process, and it's almost worse than if you did fall? Yeah, that. I can tell this baby is going to take a really, really long time to heal. Sigh.
Anyway, here's the last picture of leaves for this season, I promise. I'll graduate to snow tomorrow. Loved seeing the snow in Seattle yesterday and today. Dug the moody weather. One moment showered by bean bag beans snow, the next, basking under robin's egg blue skies and sunnyside up backlit clouds.
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