
I'm an intense, hyperactive woman with an imagination in overdrive who loves her Husby, her two Wonder Wieners, and her emerging career as an author and photographer.

Monday, April 14

Drift Creek Falls

Pics O' the Day

I really, really wanted to hike the Drift Creek Falls Trail, in the Hebo Ranger District, near Lincoln City, Oregon today. I tried twice. The first time, the rain came down so hard, I couldn't see the twisty, curvy road. Then, it looked like it was clearing, so into the forest and up the mountain I drove again, until I encountered an inch of non-melting, standing hail on the road. As my puny Prius tires began slip, sliding away, I thought better of it, turned around, and hightailed it back down to the beach. Going down, in ice, is much harder than up.

Later, at Proposal Rock Inn, I eavesdropped on the conversation of the front desk clerk when she excused herself to answer the phone. She was waiting for a call from South Africa, you see, from her grandson, wishing her Happy Birthday, on her 91st! Yes, she was adorable.

I didn't bring the dogs with me this trip. I wanted to get out the first week on my own and see how it goes. They'd so dig this. I need to bring them next week.


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